I love that we have a sense of humor here in Ohio when it comes to politics. That is something that you just don’t get too often and I find it refreshing. One example was when Ohio Gov. John Kasich stopped the rumors that he might run for president in 2020. The rumor was circulating that he was planning on running as an independent on a unity ticket with Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper.
His response on a ticket with Hickenlooper was simple, “No one could pronounce it and you can’t fit it on a bumper sticker.” I might add it was hilarious. I have seriously considered voting for him but Kasich will never win a republican primary. He’s incredibly conservative, strongly prolife, has legislative and executive experience, was a key figure in balancing both the federal and Ohio’s budget, and also has a lot of name recognition after the 2016 election.
And I might add that he manages to avoid foaming at the mouth relatively well while speaking in public so the base wouldn’t be interested.
He has talked about fixing Obamacare instead of replacing it. Ron Paul 8 years ago got cheered in their primary debates for implying if a person with cancer couldn’t afford treatment, and their community wouldn’t raise money for it, they should die.
He’d be a solid contender for the republican ticket.